with just
over a month since my wee book has been launched, the feedback has been most
positive; below are just a few...
Tom Ross ( past pupil of Victoria Drive school)
'thoroughly enjoyed reading it.So much chimed in with my own memories of post
war Glasgow'
Zita Denholm ( Australian publisher) 'I enjoyed
the text of the school-yard and street jibes and songs and liked that you
calmly categorise your 'sins' which merit the strap. Your chose the title 'The
Last of the Lucky Childhoods' and you have , I think, written a positive story
of home and family and school and holidays. There is none of the whinging that
typifies a lit of published reminiscences.Congratulations'
Cilla Carnegie (cousin) 'I enjoyed reading your
book, I'm looking forward to the sequel! I must say I was a bit disappointed
that Jennifer and I were missed out completely(Joke!)'
MY COMMENT: both Cilla and Jennifer were much
younger than me, so there was little interaction with them when I lived in
Margaret Bairden ( ex Victoria Drive student) '
Really enjoyed your book.It triggered some very happy memories and gave me a 'sair heid' at times
trying to think back over the years'
Phillip Elwin (Australia) 'Just finished reading
your memoir, cover to cover! A Marvellous read!Like you I was born in that
auspicious , troubled year1943. It was an added interest to me to track your
way through early childhood and High school, knowing I was leading a parallel
though very different life in Australia. You have honoured your family and all
its members by this lively account.'
As an 'end note' I had my two daughters and my
younger sister pose for a photo with my book on my 80th birthday...I should
have known better , though my sister did say she enjoyed the read and it gave
her an insight into her earlier life that she couldn't remember ...
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