News from Scotland

After my successful visit to Scotland, where I took time out from my holiday to promote my memoir, 'The Last of the Lucky Childhoods, I have had a number of people contact me through Facebook and by email commenting on my book.

The latest one was for a lady in Glasgow whose father was a member of the same Scout Troop as me ( the 110th Glasgow) back in the fifties.

She said her dad never stopped smiling when reading the book and couldn't put it down!

I suggested she send AM a review...but will she?!

I am still trying to make contact with Brian Cheyne, one of my closest pals from the '50.  (whom I hadn't heard from since leaving Scotland in '59) He made a phone call to me on the night before I left Scotland, but somehow the email he gave me was wrong..and I lost his contact...I'm still hoping I'll hear from him

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