Since coming home from my visit to Scotland just over a year ago now, it's been an up & downs kind of year... Skin cancers became a problem and as well as a number of surgical procedures including skin grafts, I underwent radiation therapy for 10 weeks, which took me through to the new year.......'keep out of the sun' 'No swimming or gardening'; travel not practicable...but I did have one 'high', my oldest boyhood friend from my childhood years in Glasgow finally got in touch with me by phone and we now are regularly in touch by email and we reminisce about the 'good old days' rambling on the Campsie Fells; hopefully I may get back to Scotland one more time and we can catch up.......
While I've been 'out of circulation' (my wife and I finally caught covid!) I'm still getting very positive feedback on my wee book and am often asked, "What's next?" ......
I'm still giving talks now and then (always a chance to promote) and I have a few things on the backburner, the most relevant, I guess, is the follow-up to my memoir about my teenage years in Australia in the 50s/60s. The manuscript is in draft form and I had it reviewed by some friends, who have given some positive comments ; got a problem with the name, as not sure the best way to link it with 'The Last of the Lucky Childhoods' .....
Maybe 'A Glasgow Teenager in Australia in the 50s/60s' (too long? Any suggestions?)
I'm still writing a bit of poetry and getting asked for copies, so another poetry book could be a possibility. However, as I said, all this is on the 'backburner' at present as it will depend very much on my publisher's considerations.
Looking forward to summer coming soon,it's been a dreich cold, wet and windy few months 'Down Under' ! Iain
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