
Sydney or the Bush...or Crainlarich?!

The expression,'Sydney or the Bush' is well known in Australia, meaning you have to take chances.This is similar to my experience in having a publisher just over 19000 kilometers away and having ........


I've been doing the 'talking circuit' for almost a year now speaking about my memoir, and while the response has been good, I now and again have troubles with my accent.This all started when I emigrat ........

Back on the Road!

Having just returned to Australia from my visit to Scotland. I'm now back on the 'talking trail'...Got some good newspaper publicity for my book while in Scotland as well as some publicity photos.Over ........

Further comments on my book from facebook & emails.

Received a letter from Bill Paterson who was in the same Scout troop as me; the 110th Glasgow.Bill said it reminded him so much of his childhood days , he could have written the book! Bill was not ........

Comments on my wee book!

with just over a month since my wee book has been launched, the feedback has been most positive; below are just a few... Tom Ross ( past pupil of Victoria Drive school) 'thoroughly enjoyed readi ........